Ideal Mate

** ** On Guys ** **

  1. Boxers or briefs: boxer breifs
  2. Long or short hair: Short
  3. Dark or light hair: Dark, sometimes light
  4. Tall or short: 5.6 and up
  5. Six pack or muscular arms: six pack
  6. Good or bad guy: good, bad guy
  7. Hat or no hat: no hat
  8. Ears pierced or not: pierced
  9. Tan or Fair: tan
  10. Fat/Thin: either
  11. Dressy/Casual: casual
  12. Sex/kisses: both (sex)
  13. Dimples: cute, but not required
  14. Stubble or neatly shaven: neatly shaven
  15. Rugged or sporty: sporty?
  16. Studly or cutie: cutie
  17. Accent or not(which one?): accent, Jamiacan,English,

  18. Mr.Sensitive or Mr.Funny: both (Mr.funny)
  19. Prep or Jock: either
  20. Basketball, Baseball, or track star: Football (soccer)
  21. Skier or boarder: Boarders all the way

** ** On Girls ** **

  1. Painted nails or not: painted
  2. Bra or sports bra?: bra
  3. Cute n'mysterious or wild n' daring: wild 'n daring
  4. Dressy or casual: Dressy
  5. Dark or blonde hair: (dark) either
  6. Long or short hair?: (long) either
  7. Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: either
  8. Long or short nails: long
  9. Hat or no hat: no hat
  10. Good or bad girl: both
  11. Hair up or down: down
  12. Jewelry or none: jewelry
  13. Tall or short: 4.9 up
  14. Curly or straight hair: straight
  15. Trousers or dress: dress
  16. Tan or fair: tan
  17. Freckles or none: sometimes
  18. Pubes?: shaven
  19. Pretty indoor chick or party chick: party chick
  20. Accent or American: accent, Spanish, English, other
  21. Shy or outgoing: outgoing
  22. funny or always cool: funny
  23. Talkative or shy: depends on what she says

Sex Survey 1 Sex Survey 2 Information Poetry